Things to keep in mind while writing post description
- It is very important to write post by your own language.
- Do not copy and paste it.
- The post language should be very easy and understandable.
- If you keep very hard terminology in your post, users do not understand it and finally they will not visit your website.
- Simple if you write – Ridiculous in your post, just write the meaning of ridiculous in bracket ( stupid or unreasonable and deserving to laughing ) so everyone understand it.
- First write your post or content in the Microsoft word and set suitable font size and color of the font.
- It is better to select font size 14 / 16 which is readable rather than 12.
- Select line space at least greater than 1.15 and less than or equal to 2 in order to clearly visible.
- Select color of your font ( Prefer black or which is cool and dark ).
- Copy the post content from word file and past into post space.
Write Post
- Click on New Post
- Add Post title
- Write content of blog post / copy from word file and paste it in the square box.
- Most of the post Editor tool bar features are active only when post font / statement is selected.
Some of Features of the Google Blogger post Editor tool bar
1. Post title
- Suitable post title which is related to your post article
2. Compose
- Default compose setting is given.
- You have not done anything it.
- It will shows HTML page of your post description.
- Write your post content and click on HTML tab, it will show HTML code of your post.
4. Undo
- ( Control + Z )
5. Redo
- ( Control + Y )
- ( Similar to that of Microsoft word )
6. Font
- You can set any type of font whichever you like.
7. Font size
- Smallest
- Small
- Normal
- Large
- Largest
- There are five options are given. It is better to select Normal size / Microsoft word file font size 14 / 16.
8. Heading
- There are three options : Normal, Subheading , Minor Heading.
- Your post title is normal heading. If there are headings in your post, you have to select Sub heading.
9. Bold10. Italic11. Underlined
- Select font and click on it. It will bold font / Italic font / Underline font.
12. Strikethrough
- It will strike line between font. Select text and click on it to check this option.
13. Text Color
- Select text and click on text color.
14. Text Background color
- There is no need to change text back ground color if it is white.
- If you want to change it, select text and click on text back ground color.
15. Link
- It will add link in your post description.
16. Insert image
- Add PNG or JPG image in your content description
17. Inset video
Upload video
- Drag and drop video
- You tube video
- My you tube video
You can add any
you tube video in your website.
18. Insert special character
- There are lots of special characters and symbols are given.
- You have to just click on it and it will appear in your blog description.
19. Insert jump break
- Let us consider that your blog post consists of 30 lines and it is too long to see any reader.
- You need to insert jump break after 4 to 5 line of your post and this features show only 4 to 5 lines of your post not whole content.
- Keep in mind that preview will not show insert jump break features.
- It will show after publishing post.
20. Alignment
- Text alignment left, center, right or justify. Select text and click on left alignment and see its effects.
21. Numbering list
- The numbering given to topic is explained here. It works similar as that of in the Microsoft Word.
22. Bullets
- It works similar as that of in the Microsoft Word.
23. Remove Formatting
- Select text and click on remove formatting.
- It will remove all editing and format article completely.
24. Spelling check
- It will check spelling of your article.
25. Left to right
- Your article will type from left to right.
26. Right to left
- Your article will type from right to left.
27. Preview
- It will show preview of your website post.
28. Save
- It will save your article and you can latter publish it anytime.
29. Publish
- It will publish your article and new audience can see your article.
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